Project Description
Siting, Development, Permitting & Design of a New Landfill Facility for the Cities of Scottsbluff and Gering, Nebraska
Step 1 – Site Assessment/Investigation
The team will conduct a desktop siting analysis, utilizing available GIS data, along with the team’s knowledge of the local terrain. Our first step is to develop a site screening tool using local zoning and land use, distance restrictions, threatened and endangered species, cultural resources, groundwater resources, and surface water resources among others. In addition, we will utilize the Soil Conservation Service Soil Survey reports and United States Geologic Survey (USGS) surficial geology maps, where available, to determine the engineering properties of the soils and geology, respectively. The GIS-based site screening tool will narrow down the potential suitable locations. We will work with the Cities to identify no more than 5 candidate parcels which will then undergo a more complete desktop analyses prior to conducting any comprehensive subsurface investigation.